Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Workin' 9-5? Nope, try 8-7.

Tucker had to go to work with me yesterday and was a little less than thrilled.  With it being Monday, the secretaries weren't able to let him out to play, so he spent the majority of his day in the crate.  Once he got used to the idea, he was fine.  Unfortunately for him, it ended up being an 11 hour workday, so even though he was being good, by the end of the day, he was frustrated. 

At lunchtime, which happened to be about 3 o'clock, I just picked up food to go and took him to the Carpet Store.  I didn't have the time or patience to deal with him in a restaurant.  After I was done eating, I tried to offer him some water out of my dixie cup.  He decided this was a great time to practice his America's Got Talent routine - diving head first into a 5 oz cup of water.  As you might imagine - water went everywhere.  :) 

Back at work, Kathy made a sign to go on top of his crate. 

If you can't read the sign, it says, "My name is Tucker.  I am in training to be a Leader Dog for the Blind.  I am on the job!"  Yep... he was on the job alright!

Proof that he watches TV - America's Got Talent
When I got home from work last night, late mind you, I was totally worn out and Tucker, who'd slept all day, wanted to play.  Thankfully, Mom was willing to watch him while I crashed.  At some point, we both ended up falling asleep on the floor. :) 

Okay, soapbox time!  When you're walking your dog(s) on a road (even if it's a small neighborhood road) use a leash!  I came extremely close to giving a neighbor of mine a piece of my mind last night.  Not only were his little dogs and cat in the middle of the road (no leashes of course), but he freaked out when I came over the hill like I was the one in the wrong for having my car on the road!  About six months ago, someone accidently hit one of his dogs because it ran right out in front of her - and yet he still hasn't learned!  I almost pulled over to tell him how stupid he was, but I was tired.  So, at about 2 mph, I crept past them. (At this point the men have still refused to pick up these dogs although they weighed ten pounds max)  About 20 minutes later, Mom tried to take Tucker out in the driveway.  Right as he was trying to go to the bathroom, the "yippy" dogs saw him and started to run up OUR driveway barking at him.  For the first time in his short life, Tucker was scared.  He didn't get to finish his business and Mom had to take him inside, because although the neighbor was calling his dogs, they weren't listening.  Had I not been as tired as I was, I would have marched down to their house to explain a few things to them. 

Do yourself, your dog, and everyone else a favor and keep your dogs on leash when you aren't on your own property.  Okay?  Thanks.

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