Friday, February 3, 2012

9 Month Birthday!

Today is Tucker's 9 month birthday!  Yay!

The past two weeks have been pretty busy for Tucker and me.  Last week, Gardner-Webb began its four day University Fellows Interviews (scholarship interviews) and Tucker and I spent a lot of time talking to prospective students and helping with the honors sessions.  He did an excellent job most of the time though he got a little fussy during the meetings a few times. 

Last weekend I took him to part of a swim meet and was very pleased with his performance.  By that, I mean I'm really excited that he didn't try to jump into the pool!  I had this horrible fear that as soon as the buzzer sounded and the swimmers dove in, he would decide it looked like fun and want to join them.  As a precaution, I sat behind him and gave him a bear hug until I was sure he was going to be satisfied with watching.  We stayed for a few races and then left to get lunch. 

That afternoon, the attitude came back out and as we were trying to take a nice walk around the lake, he started barking his head off at this poor older couple and their dog.  I felt bad because it seemed to really scare them, but I couldn't do anything with him.  It was like being back in the mall with Allison and Brandon - he was going nuts!  I will never understand how he can ignore geese that are only five feet away, but he freaks out at the sight of another dog 150 yards away.  I decided that weekend that it's pretty much official that Tucker has entered the "terrible twos" stage of development. 
Saturday night we went to almost half of a men's basketball game to see "aunt" Courtney get a scholarship.  He did much better than last time (we only made it five minutes last time) and several faculty and staff told me later that they loved seeing him at the game and were glad I had brought him.  They, like me, understand that the more visible Tucker is on campus, the more our students/faculty/staff will be accepting of service dogs in the future. 

Sunday he went to church with me.  He did very well and even got a shout out from the preacher.  At one point I looked down and saw something red between his toes.  I thought, "Oh gosh.  He's stepped on something and cut his foot."  I reached down to investigate only to discover it was actually a red rhinestone stuck between his toes.  I pointed it out to Chelsea and Lydia who were sitting next to me, and gave them a quizzical look.  Lydia's response?  "He just wants to be BEDAZZLED!"  Love it. 

This entire week he's been quite a handful, and I've had to go back to using the choke-chain even though two weeks ago, he didn't need it.  In fact, he was such a crazy dog yesterday afternoon that I made him wear his jacket while we were on our walk.  Out of jacket, he tries to pull my arm out of its socket.  In jacket, I can hold the leash with one finger.  Go figure.  At least he knows what the jacket means. 

Today at University Fellows, Tucker had the opportunity to meet Lisa Tucker, also known as one of GWU's biggest donors (Tucker Library, Tucker Student Center).  Dr. Jones introduced Tucker as her namesake, even though I honestly didn't name him after the student center, but she thought it was funny anyway.  We talked with Dr. Bonner for a few minutes and then I went back to mingling with students.  Soon thereafter, I met a student named Derek who was very interested in Tucker.  Why?  He's about to apply for a Leader Dog!  Small world, huh?  It was great to meet people who not only know what Leader Dog is, but what I'm doing and why.  It doesn't look like Tucker and Derek will be at Leader Dog at the same time, but I think it would be so cool if Tucker ended up with a college student.  He would love it!

As a side note, it still amazes me how many people at GWU are surprised to see Tucker out and about.  Tucker and I were walking through the Simply to Go getting breakfast this week and a woman I recognized as working in the Caf upstairs was there.  She stared at us the whole time we were walking through, and as soon as I walked out the door I heard, "What's she got that dog for?  Is she trainin' him or something?"  We've been here since August, a campus-wide email was sent out, and yet, we still manage to surprise people.  It's crazy. 

Here's a funny story:
Wednesday night, my friends Derek and Hannah called me at 10pm and said they wanted to go to Cookout.  After arguing with them about how I had an 8am class the next morning, I gave in and said I would go.  Tucker was asleep at the time.  As I tried to wake him up, this is what I imagine he was thinking based on his facial expressions:
Me:  Come on, let's go outside!  
Tucker: You want me to do what?
Me: Wake up, Tuck.  Let's go outside!
Tucker:  Are you serious?
Me: Wakey, wakey!  Need to park?  Let's go!
Tucker:  Ugh, fine.  *stretches*

So, I get him outside, get him to park, and as soon as he finishes, he turns to go back inside. I said..
Me: No, we're getting in Hannah's car.
Tucker:  We're what?  You said we were just going outside!

Finally, I get him in the car and off we go.  On the way back, he passed out in the car.  When I got him up to the room again, he flopped over on his bed and gave me a death glare.  About an hour and a half later, I wanted to take him out one last time and go to bed.  Here's how that went :
Me: Wake up, Tuck.  Let's go outside!
Tucker: *glaring* What?  Um, no.  That's what you said last time and you dragged me to Cookout with you. 
Me: Let's go!  Come on, let's go outside.
Tucker: Did you hear me?  NO.  You lied last time. 

I then proceeded to lure him down the hall with a piece of kibble.  Even then, he would try to lie down every ten feet in the hall, as if to repeat, "No, you're just going to trick me again."  He was not happy with me! 

I was beyond worn out yesterday (maybe from the Cookout outing) so I decided to go to bed early last night.  Epic Fail.  Tucker got sick not once, but twice last night.  Once around 4am and then again about 6am.  He apparently felt bad all night because he woke me up several times tossing and turning in his crate.  I'm suspicious that he just couldn't get comfortable.  You see, I put him in his crate for a few minutes on Thursday and he ripped his bed up and I had to throw it away.  So, he only had a towel to sleep on last night, and if you know my little prince, then you know he was NOT happy about that. 

Tomorrow, Tucker gets to hang out with Dr. C for a few hours while I do some work on my thesis.  Let me make one thing abundantly clear:  I would not be able to survive this semester without my friends and professors who are so willing to take him off my hands for a few hours almost every day so I can get some work done.  They. Are. Awesome.

Our next grand adventure begins on Super Bowl Sunday as we drive to Raleigh with one of our provosts, his wife, and my friend James for a conference.  It's a multi-day conference, so prayers for a patient and well behaved puppy would be appreciated!

Here are some pictures.  Enjoy!

When he wants to snuggle and I need to do work, he becomes my furry desk. :)

After playing with some of "my" freshmen.  I'd say he had a good time. :) 

This is why I never get any homework done.

Handsome boy.

Dreaming Big.

Long sit stay- no worries, he's tethered to the stairs. ;)

Home away from home. 

Checkin' on the progress of "his" student center. ;)

Remember that conversation I told you about earlier?  This was one of the faces. 

Some things never change.


  1. That's awesome!

    Thanks for the Photos...I loved seeing the Student Center. The last time I was there is was just a hole in the ground.

    And, I have to side with Tucker on this are tricky Chelsea!

  2. I LOVE the picture of Tucker gazing over your laptop (and the one of his "face").....happy 9 month birthday Tucker!

  3. I absolutely love reading your blog. I've been trying to get a service dog for awhile now. I've run into all sorts of problems, though. I've looked into Leader Dog, but going and picking up & dropping it off so far away was a problem for me. So, I went with Southeastern Guide Dogs. SEGD requires that we attend two meetings before getting a puppy. Anyway, I did my second meeting and met Allison! I was like "I recognize you...!" I've been reading your blog since I started the service dog process in late September.

    Anyway; My first puppy comes the first weekend in March! I'm interested in knowing what all was required of you to get a service dog on campus. I live on campus at UNCW - having a service dog in training was really not a big deal at all. We're just required to sign a contract that basically says the dog is under our care and we're responsible for any damages or whatever. What all did you have to go through for getting Tucker allowed on campus?

    1. Morgan,
      That's great that you're about to get your first puppy! I completely understand about the logistics of getting a puppy from Leader Dog - it's quite a drive. Leader Dog doesn't really have "pre reqs" for puppy raisers at the moment, but I think/hope they will implement that soon.

      Do you know a girl named Megan and a dog named Seabastian? (Seabass for short) I've been in contact with her via facebook and she's raising a service dog at UNC W, too.

      Unfortunately, having a service dog in training at Gardner-Webb was definitely a big deal. I spent my freshman and sophomore years writing proposals and presenting my idea to different people here and getting turned down before I finally went to the president of the university. He agreed to let me present my proposal to the senior staff who voted it in that spring, but the deal was that I would get the puppy over the summer so that his housebreaking would be mostly finished when he came to GWU. Next I spent a year on the waiting list at Leader Dog (my junior year) and now (my senior year) I finally have Tucker! It was an incredibly long and stressful process, but I think I'm honestly better for it. It taught me a lot, not only about patience and God's timing, but about how to be a persuasive presenter! haha

      I'd love to hear how things go for you when you get your little pup. I'm curious, where are you from originally?

    2. I do know Megan & Sebastian. They're with Canines for Service, who I was originally going to look into raising a puppy with. For several reasons, Canines for Service wasn't a good fit. So, when they said I 'needed more time,' I was okay with it. Honestly, it pushed me harder to find the right fit for me. I looked into several different places, but SEGD just made the most sense. But, I spent a 'day in the life of a service dog' with Megan, and it was very informing. Like I said, I'm very glad I didn't go through with CFS.

      I can't imagine that GWU would have such opposition to you raising, especially with it being a christian school. I find that really odd. I would think the public school sector would have a harder time rather than the private. GWU was a close second to UNCW. They offered me fantastic scholarships, but just came through a little late. Its so ironic that you're there raising a dog!

      Anyways, I am from east of Charlotte originally. Albemarle, Locust, around there, if you've ever heard of it. I'm about an hour from GWU

  4. Happy 9 month birthday Tucker! Brandon just turned 5 months... and man is he busy growing!
    If Tucker would like to have some more exposure to dogs, let me know... Brandon & I would love to meet up with you guys again!
    Love the picture of him helping you study, too cute!

    Allison & Brandon

    1. Tucker and I would love to get together again. I was looking at my calendar earlier and, theoretically, I'm free the weekend of the 18th, so if you'd like, we could try to figure out something that weekend.
