Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

Tucker spent the majority of the morning and afternoon sleeping in his crate, which is his preferred napping location. 

The pool is only a few feet from the condo, so it was easy to check on him about every half hour.  Most of the time, I looked into my room to find him still sound asleep. :) 

Around 4:00, I decided it was cool enough to take Tucker down to the beach and to see if he could swim!  Mattie carried him past the ever-tempting soft sand and then I carried him into the waves.  We were only about knee deep, but it was deep enough to prove he could keep his head above water.  And yes, I lifted him out of the water when the waves crashed. ;)  He wasn't thrilled with the idea, but I think the waves were the problem.  If it had been calmer or a lake, I think he'd have thoroughly enjoyed himself. 

After his ocean adventure we walked down the beach.  Tucker found a hole kids had dug earlier and discovered that if you push at the mounds of sand with your paws, it falls into the hole!  This was definitely his favorite discovery - that is, until he realized he could dig!  Tucker's digging style may have looked like a spastic center hiking a football, but he sure had a good time.  :) 

Once he'd worn himself out, I brought him back to the condo and gave him a quick bath to get rid of the salt and sand.  This time, I made a discovery - Tucker has figured out how to jump out of the tub!  Until today, I hadn't thought he was big enough to do that.  However, in the long run, he seemed less concerned about the bath than he did on Monday. 

For the rest of the night (with the exception of a short period around 9:00pm when he went completely insane running around the condo) he seemed exhausted.  He might play with me for a few minutes, and then all of a sudden, he'd turn and trot into the bedroom and settle down in his crate for a nap. :) 

Best part of the day?  People on the beach were calling Tucker by name.  He's quite famous. ;)

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