Friday, July 8, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

When we got up this morning, it was raining.  Of course, Tucker couldn't have cared less even though it was just after 6am.  After the adventure of the night before, I still felt like I'd been hit by a truck, so after I fed him breakfast, we went back to bed. 

It was pretty gloomy all morning, so after lunch, Mom and I went to the pet store to return the Bitter Apple spray she'd bought the day before.  Tucker actually liked the taste.  Liked it!  I can't hardly stand to smell it and that little stinker wanted to lick it.  Ridiculous.  In the end, we got him a new ball.  :) 

The rest of the day was mostly spent playing and going on short walks.  For all his craziness the day before, he was very good while Mom fixed dinner - he just sat on the floor and watched everything.  The most exciting part of the day was when Tucker went down stairs for the first time!  Mom had taken him out for a break, and when he got to the top of the stairs, he looked down and saw a dead moth a few stairs down.  He had to have it, which meant he had to go down the stairs!  Even after Mom took it out of his mouth, he continued down the rest of the flight. :)  Sadly, he wouldn't repeat the feat for me later.  Maybe tomorrow! 

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