Monday, August 22, 2011

Beyond "Tuckered Out"

Tucker thinks college is the best thing since puppy chow but for two things: it's hot and we walk everywhere. 

Sunday, I tried to keep him out of the dorm as much as possible so we wouldn't be in the way of the people moving in.  That meant a lot of time outside in the heat, walking around visiting friends and seeing their dorm rooms.  He wore out very quickly, and although he took several naps throughout the day, he still fell asleep early that night. 

Ordinarily, Tucker is begging to be let out and fed around 6:15 - yesterday he didn't even begin to stir until 6:50, and once he'd been let out and fed, he wanted to go straight back to sleep!  He's been worn out almost all day long, which was great since I was in training for "this, that, and the other" all day.  Tucker even managed to sleep through a very loud and rowdy game show in Dover Theatre tonight.  I'm telling you, once this puppy is asleep, there isn't much that will wake him up. 

After the game show, he livened up a bit and I took him over to my friend Meredith's apartment where he proceeded to run around like a lunatic.  He's almost lost another tooth (he lost the first on Saturday morning), so he's bleeding on things and begging for ice cubes.  I've never really used the ice trays that came with my refrigerator until now. ;) 

As soon as I got him back to the dorm, he went into his crate, where he's been snoring ever since. :)  He has truly learned the meaning of "Tuckered Out"!

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