Saturday, August 20, 2011

College Dog

Well, it's official - Tucker has moved into the dorm. :) 

(Still unpacking - excuse the mess)

We moved in yesterday, and he pretty well took everything in stride.  After a walk around campus, he was so tired that he tried to fall asleep in two of my professors' offices.  Last night we had one heck of a rain storm, but Tucker and I still joined my friends Courtney, Tara, and Ashley at Newt's in downtown Shelby for dinner.  It took him a little while to settle down, but once he did, he slept through the rest of the meal.  Afterwards we went back to Court and Tara's house and watched the Dolphins kill the Panthers, much to Court's delight. ;) 

He slept through the night as usual, and I was really pleased with him for making it all the way down two flights of stairs without an accident when he woke up.  I was worried he might give up, think we were never going to get outside, and pee on the floor.  He's been really good about letting me know when he needs to go out in general, too. 

We went to WalMart this morning, and while I struggled somewhat with walking a puppy and guiding a cart, Tucker took to walking with the cart like he'd been doing it all along.  When we got back, Tucker took a power nap in the room while I helped my RA and one of Tucker's new best friends, Chelsea Hearne, put up some door decorations.  For lunch we went to Kerry's with "Uncle Derek" and then sat outside the dorm with him and James.

Cuddling on my floor while I was on the phone.  :)

This afternoon we went to Chelsea's room to watch Harry Potter and she and Tucker snuggled on the floor.  It was absolutely precious.  We even decided to brave the Cafeteria for dinner.  I was afraid it would really upset the Caf staff, but no one really seemed to care.  He watched everyone pretty closely for a while, but he eventually settled down.   

"Watching" Harry Potter in Chelsea's room.

After dinner we took a walk through the quad where I was viciously attacked by mosquitoes and then we went to the outdoor volleyball court to watch some of my friends play and to teach Tucker not to chase volleyballs.  It didn't take too long for him to just settle down and watch or play with leaves. 

Tomorrow, the rest of the students move in.  It's going to be crazy!  I think Tucker and I will stay out of the dorm as much as humanly possible. 

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