Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Life is becoming more hectic by the day, so just get used to only seeing a blog post every few days. :)

Sunday, Tucker seemed to be in an odd mood.  He did fairly well in Sunday School ( he got to see a live worship band up close) but when we got to the service, he just wouldn't settle down.  We ended up leaving before it even began.  He had already had a long nap that morning, so I just assumed he had too much energy and that we should go back to school and go for a walk.  Well, before I even got my dress shoes off, he was asleep on his bed.  Why he couldn't sleep on the sanctuary floor, I don't know. 

Monday he did fairly well, although he was definitely more awake in my classes than normal.  We had a good laugh listening to the squishing noises in Southern Lit while he was chewing on his Kong bone. :) 

Yesterday was a big day - Fall Convocation.  For those readers unfamiliar with GWU, each fall during the Dimensions hour on Tuesday mornings, there is an awards ceremony.  I was getting an award for my 4.0, but I was also supposed to hand out programs because I serve as Presidential Associate.  So, it was extremely important that Tucker be on his very best behavior.  Was he? Of course not - 'kids' never are when it counts, right. ;) 

Well, he did okay while I handed out programs, but then when we got to our seats, he had trouble settling down.  After we went to the front to get my award - yes, he went to the front with me (there was a collective "awe!"  from the entire LYCC audience) - he really had a hard time settling down.  I knew he was in an odd mood that morning, so I brought a toy with food stuck in it as my secret weapon - even that didn't really help and actually ended up prompting him to wiggle even more.  Eventually, I put my foot down - literally.  I stood on the leash as close to his collar as possible and made it impossible for him to stand back up.  A few minutes of struggling, and he was asleep. 

Here's the thing - all of the important people who made puppy raising at GWU possible were there - I would have died if he'd barked in the middle of the ceremony.  Thankfully, we survived and several administrators and professors came up to me afterwards to tell me how glad they were that I took him to the front with me.  He even sat (without being asked) when I got my award!  I think he thought Dr. Price was going to give him something, too. :) 

He continued to be a "challenge" for the rest of the day and some of the evening, but he's been better today.  He even let me sleep until 7 this morning!  ;) 

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