Monday, August 8, 2011

Road Trip!

Although the first night with Zaida was challenging (and that's an understatement), we still decided to go visit our grandparents.  We weren't really sure what she'd do for hours in the car, but she and Tucker were both angels. 

When we stopped at a rest area, I saw a group of bikers pull in.  Since Tucker had never seen a motorcycle, I decided to walk down past them to see what he'd do.  As usual, Tucker didn't care one bit about the new vehicle, but he did enjoy meeting the bikers. :)  As we walked up to them, I saw one of the ladies sign to another, so when they asked which school he was with, I said, and signed, Leader Dogs for the Blind.  They were somewhat surprised that the random girl at the rest stop had started signing to them. :) 

The pups have done well in my grandparents' house so far and chase each other around the backyard like crazy.  My grandparents got Zaida the same toy they gave Tucker a few weeks ago, and so at one point, both dogs were laying near each other chewing the same toy.  All of a sudden, Zaida leaned over and stole Tucker's toy.  Tucker, somewhat startled, sat there a moment and then reached over and stole Zaida's!  It was hilarious- they're just like stubborn toddlers. 

We met our cousins at California Pizza last night and Tucker was absolutely perfect.  They had moved the chair next to my seat, so I just put Tucker in a down-stay there.  Well, almost immediately he crawled over and put himself under my chair as if to say, "don't you know how this works?  I go under the chair."  He was soooo good.  After about 2 hours he woke up and needed to go out, and when I brought him back in, he went straight back under the chair for another hour. 

Zaida did much better in her crate last night, but Tucker peed in his - which is a first at night.  He drank so much water before bed, I'm not surprised.  What's weird is that he didn't whine at all - I think he might have done it in his sleep. 

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