Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sleeping Upside Down

We picked up Tucker at 10 am this morning and then hit the road.  From Leader Dog to Toledo, Ohio, Tucker slept in many interesting positions, all in my lap - most of them upside down.  After lunch, he spent the majority of the ride on the floor.  One might assume the extra flat space would encourage normal sleeping habits, but not so.  The image you see above is how Tucker spent most of his time from Toledo to the middle of Kentucky.  :) 

We met Caroline Richey, her mother and nephew in Toledo for lunch.  After realizing the first destination had no indoor dining, we stopped at a Chinese restaurant.  I showed the hostess my Leader Dog card and explained to her why I was asking if a puppy could join us.  While she was gone, an older man came up to us wanting to know what we wanted.  As I tried to explain, his expression became more puzzled and he kept saying, "What?"  Finally, I just said "Dog.  I have a dog."  His eyes grew wide. "No, no, no dog."  We thanked him and left, stopping farther down the road at Happy's Pizza, where they were kind enough to let Tucker in. 

He settled down quickly and slept on the floor by the table through the whole meal.  For the rest of the trip, he spent most of his time sleeping on the floorboard, occasionally waking up and trying to chew the Escape to death (though he had plenty of suitable toys).  When we reached Cincinatti, a chewing frenzy ensued and we might have been lost save for a present from Aunt Suzie - a plastic red ball with a flashing light inside. 
We stopped for dinner at Subway, and though he wasn't quite as still as he was at the pizza place, Tucker still did well.  After watching the Subway staff carefully for a few minutes, he settled down and fell asleep under the table. 

We now sit in a hotel somewhere in Kentucky.  The hotel doesn't allow pets, but they were kind enough to let Tucker stay.  His favorite part thus far as been the air conditioning unit.  Not only is it cool and refreshing, but it makes the curtains flutter above his head.  ;) 

1 comment:

  1. He is precious! I am glad to have gotten to meet the little guy.
    ~Caroline R.
