Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tucker gets caught in the Webb

Yesterday I took Tucker to Gardner-Webb for the first time.  We started in Withrow since it was only fitting that Dr. Jones get to meet him first.  For the few of you following the blog who don't know everything about me, Dr. Jones is the director of the honors program at GWU and one of my favorite professors.  Had he not encouraged me to continue trying to get my puppy raising proposal passed, none of this would be happening now. 

After that, Tucker walked from the science building to the English building, though sadly, no one was home.  Next we went to Suttle Hall where he met several members of the residence education staff as well as Teresa Davis, Tyler Davis, and Chief.  As usual, he charmed everyone he met. 

By this time he was really tired, so I carried him across the road to the Elliot house to see my friends from my internship last semester.  As it turned out, most of them were in a meeting, and the few who were in the house simply got to watch Tuck pass out on the floor. ;) 

Shortly thereafter, Hannah Reiner arrived and Tucker walked with us all the way from the music building to the DCC - his longest solo walk yet!  We saw Meredith Garrett and Debra Hintz and then went over to the Simpson's house.  When we decided to head out for lunch, Logan asked where we should go.  I told him the only restaurant I'd ever had a problem with was a Chinese place, so just to play it safe, we should do American food.  We chose Papa's Pizza.

Unfortunately, the girl behind the counter decided that the Leader Dog bandana, Leader Dog bag, and Leader Dog ID were not sufficient.  I explained that he was a Leader Dog for the Blind in training and she said, "Is he working?"  Well, let's see - do I look blind to you?  They wouldn't let him stay, so the Simpson boys made her give them their money back, and we went down to Subway where he slept beside the table the whole time. 

After lunch I went back to the Elliot house and was able to introduce a sleepy Tucker to my friends.  Sadly, they now think sleeping is the only thing he can do. ;)  I promised to bring him back sometime when he's awake. 

Later that night I took him to see Courtney Finocchiaro who had just gotten back from Italy and we ate at El Alcapulco, where he was let in right away and behaved better than the children in the restaurant. :) 

This morning he had to go to work with me for a little while before Mom was able to pick him up.  Mom made him practice wearing his socks. :) 
Hanging out under Leshea's desk at work. 
Trying on a more manly pair of socks... well, two pair :)


  1. A) That girl behind the counter at papa's pizza is an idiot. I'd say she was raised by wolves, but that'd be a compliment.

    B) The socks are stinking cute.

  2. I mean, it's frustrating because while all businesses have every right to say no, I just don't understand why they do... I mean, I would think they'd rather him learn how to behave in a restaurant when he's ten lbs instead of sixty. lol I have a feeling that if the owner had been there things would have been different.

  3. I am from the family who bred our dog (linka) and had tucker as a puppy we called him the little green monster because of his urge to attack and his green ribbon. I am happy to know Tucker is doing fine and I can check his progress with this site. Breeding is okay but my mom says we are NOT going to be trainers :(.

  4. It's true! He can be a little monster! Just this morning I had to put him in time out because he wouldn't stop biting. I'm sorry you won't get to train any right now, but you still have a very special job! Without families like yours, the puppies wouldn't be ready to train with people like me. You did a very good job with him - I can tell. :)
