Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Becoming a Nerd

First of all, I had a dream this morning that Tucker slept until 8am and I was soooo proud of him!  Then I woke up, heard him scratching at the cage door, and saw that the clock said 6:45.  Maybe one day that dream will come true. :)

Tucker did a great job in Boiling Springs today.  We had lunch with my friend Tara at the Italian Garden (they had no problem letting him in) and with the exception of a few toe tastings (sorry Tara!) I think he did a great job.  In fact, he did a much better job of staying under the table (as opposed to beside it) than he normally does.  As we were eating, Tara saw one of our professors, Dr. Hobbs, come in.  Being one of my favorite professors, I couldn't manage to leave without introducing her to Tucker.  

After lunch, Tucker took a nap on the cool hardwood floor of Tara's living room while she and I got our Discovery Channel fix.  Though he was unhappy about leaving the air conditioned house, Tucker and I ventured back onto campus a little after 1pm.  Today was the last summer orientation session for new students, and since Dr. Jones (honors professor) is on vacation, I volunteered to fill in for him at the honors meeting.  It was Tucker's first "nerd meeting"!

I was worried that Tucker might be a handful or be too distracting for the students and/or parents, but he just fell asleep under my chair.  There were only a few students in the meeting, but I think it went well.  Hopefully they were able to look past the yellow hairs on my black GWU polo.  ;) 

Although I had thought about hanging around school until some friends got off work, Tucker and I were both worn out after the meeting so we just drove home.  I'm finding that when it comes to walking around during the day, Tucker is a lightweight.  After we'd finished the honors meeting, he refused to walk from Hamrick to Withrow (which is not a long distance - it's GWU we're talking about here) on his own and I had to carry him.  I know he was tired and hot, but he's getting a little big to be carried!  I suppose the two of us should start walking the mountain to condition him for the school year. 

He's been pretty good since we've been home and even put himself to bed early.  Since I don't enjoy taking him out to "park" at 4 am, I woke him up about 10:30pm to go to the bathroom.  You know the saying, "Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned"?  I think the ending may need to be changed to "like a puppy woken up".  He was soooo put out with me.  When I brought him back inside, I took off his leash and asked him where he wanted to go (meaning to bed or upstairs with us).  He started edging back towards the bedroom, but was constantly looking over his shoulder as if to say, "Well are you actually going to let me sleep if I go in here?"  He's been sound asleep ever since. :) 

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